A Bitter Pole by David Heulfryn

After reading this story again, I remembered how I came about to write it. I was in the process of relocating to London and was living in a hotel under the flight path of Heathrow airport. Most of the hotel staff were of Eastern European descent and I recall the attitude of the natives about. I hate to say it but they treated them like servants rather than hotel staff. There was so much disrespect towards them that I felt ashamed. I enjoyed talking to them, they were fascinating and I admired their courage in moving to a different country. Something I would do about five years later.

This story was my attempt to portray that attitude. In hindsight, it seems a very nasty story about the abuse of a man who is considered inferior. I will be honest with all of you, this is a story that I don’t like and wouldn’t hesitate to only give it half a star. It fails to shame the attitude of the man taking advantage of the hotel employee and it also fails in being erotic.

Give Us Your Feedback

None of the authors gets paid when their stories appear on Screeve, they only allow their writing to appear in the hope that it will bring enjoyment to the readers.

At the end of every story, I say that feedback is the only payment our authors get, and we all appreciate that feedback, it can spur us on the continue a series or write new stories. Constructive feedback can also make those stories better.

So if you have any New Year’s Resolutions to make, then make one, a point of giving feedback. Let us know what you want more of and less of. Please make your comments and suggestions constructive, let the authors know what you enjoyed and what you didn’t, what worked and what didn’t. Recognise good writing when you read it, but just because a story isn’t to your taste doesn’t make it bad. I’m not into scat, but I can recognise a good story that contains it should I read one.

I added a rating system last year, so please continue to rate the stories. Also, consider leaving comments, they can be totally anonymous, no email is required. If you are more confident, then email the author; we all like to hear from our readers.

Happy new year and keep reading.

Happy New Year

I’m sure many of us will be glad to see the back of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has taken its toll on many of us in our many countries. I wish you all well next year.

It looks like 2021 will start pretty much as 2020 ended, with many of us in some type of lockdown. But we have some hope, with two vaccines approved for emergency use in the UK and a mass roll out this year.

On the Screeve front, we will see more Cockaigne Chronicles; I’m hoping a new family will move to the town, a suggestion from one of my readers. I also hope to get my Cockaigne novel on Amazon kindle in the first quarter, but don’t worry, Screeve readers will get a free copy (I’m not sure how to do this yet, perhaps those signed up for updates, I’ll let you all know once I’ve thought of something.)

I also want to add my previous stories back on Screeve, when I changed hosts and decided to move onto WordPress I concentrated on adding all the contributing authors to the site first and having left mine until last.

As I am creating new story cards to highlight when I add a previous story, I also want to highlight other stories on the site. Give you a chance to revisit an old classic.

Let’s make 2021 a great year with more stories and even more Cockaigne.