Finn has had a difficult day. While Owen tries to keep Max and James’ sex life secret from Lily, he inadvertently pushes Finn aside. Finn is left alone, wondering what is going on. Everything is about Max and James. When Finn goes to bed angry, Max finally realises what the day was like for his younger brother.
Category: Cockaigne Chronicles
Surprising Max by David Heulfryn
After suffering the side effects of their inoculation, the brothers wake up stiff and sore. Lily insists on washing their cum-stained bedclothes while the brothers sort out their stuff. As Max looks out of the window of the spare room, he sees his Dad pull up the driveway. In the passenger seat is a surprise that makes Max as giddy as a toddler.
Unloading and Unpacking by David Heulfryn
A Visit to the Doctor by David Heulfryn
The Fletcher family have now moved to Cockaigne, but Max and Finn need their inoculation. Max knows he will be expected to get naked and has no problem with it, even knowing his Dad must be with him. But the Doctor asks Max some awkward questions that he is reluctant to answer in front of his father.
Leaving by David Heulfryn
The day has finally arrived. The family is moving to Cockaigne. Finn is forced to wear clothes, and Max is wrenched away from James.
This is the final instalment of the “Conversations with my Brother” series. To date this is the longest story I have written, a testament to the relationship between the brothers. I have enjoyed writing it, and Max and Finn have come to mean so much to me. I hope I have conveyed how strong the bond is between brothers and how they share a different and unique type of love.
But this is not the end. The family now resides in Cockaigne, which means the start of a brand new adventure.
Alone Again by David Heulfryn
Packing by David Heulfryn
Edging Closer by David Heulfryn
After the Exams by David Heulfryn
Going Back by David Heulfryn
Owen and the boys all go down to breakfast naked. In the breakfast room, they encounter a young couple having sex. James is surprised and aroused. Owen allows Max and James to remain in their room as he and Finn look at a house that has recently come on the market. Max and James enjoy the private moment of intimacy.